Scope of services
For our business partners we perform power investments in industry, production as well as other economy branches. The service is always individually suited to client's needs in order to find optimal solutions which will ensure costs and time reduction.
We deliver comprehensive service, starting from a concept through design and performance, and ending on the warranty and post-warranty services as well as maintenance. Owing to this solution, the investor doesn't have to coordinate the contact points between consecutive stages of the investment. Settlement takes place on the particular investment stages or basing on the end result.
- Project Management
- Project design
- Conceptual design
- Working plans and specifications
- Value engineering
- As-built design
- Delivery and installation of equipment according to the project
- Technical advisory during and after the investment implementation
- Measurements and tests of installations and equipment
- Post-warranty service
- Warranty service – we start works up to 24 h from the issue submission
- Installation review according to the polish law requirements / 1 year and 5 years
- Maintenance – modernization of existing installations, current repairs, maintenance of the equipment operation to ensure the flow of production
- Personnel training in terms of the performed installations and mounted equipment
About us
ETP S.A. was founded as a result of connection of two entities : Energopol-Katowice S.A. i TP-Elbud S.A., it’s history dates back to the year 2011.
Since the beginning ETP S.A. harmoniously developed activities in basic branches: installation of electrical systems, hydraulic engineering and construction; also in chemical and petrochemical industry within the capital group.
Synergie of all business lines allows us to offer products and services of high standards. Balanced growth, efficiency in operation areas also with diversification into new market segments – have given us field for beeing flexible about challenges of the global economy. Because of that we can better satisfy Customers needs.
For our business partners we perform complexed realisations in industries such as: electrical systems, engineering construction, civil and hydraulic engineering, energy. The service is always individually suited to client's needs in order to find optimal solutions which will ensure costs and time reduction.
ETP Spółka Akcyjna
Siemianowicka 5a Str., 40-301 Katowice, Poland
tel. +48 32 2599 675
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ETP Spółka Akcyjna w restrukturyzacji
Niniejszym zawiadamiamy, iż postanowieniem z dnia 22 września 2022 r., sygnatura akt KA1K/GR/15/2022 Sąd Rejonowy Katowice-Wschód w Katowicach X Wydział Gospodarczy otworzył postępowanie restrukturyzacyjne - postępowanie sanacyjne ETP Spółka Akcyjna z siedzibą w Katowicach (numer KRS 0000055522).
Zarządcą został wyznaczony Bartosz Klepacz, Kwalifikowany Doradca Restrukturyzacyjny, licencja nr 209.
Quality policy
Our main goal is to create a stable and reliable company trusted by clients.
The effects of cooperation with us are the best advertisement.
Quality policy is based on the following assumtions:
We are trustworthy, honest and reliable for our clients. We respect their expectations and time, as well as we take great care of their safety
Our word guarantees quality and the work delivered does not require amendments. All work that we perform is reliable.
We ensure our team safe work conditions and motivate them to development and engagement.
Reliability, stability and development. „He who does not move forward goes backward”. We act in compliance with the provisions and aim at constant improvement of the management processes.